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Airbus A330
The A330 carries more passengers, flies farther and is more fuel-efficient.

Since 2010, Airbus A330s have been carrying our guests across the Pacific in style.

Each plane is assembled at the Airbus facility in Toulouse, France, then flown 16 hours and 6,600 miles to Hawaii, often non-stop. After that, HNL to LAX is like a quick trip to Molokai!

Upon delivery, each Hawaiian Airlines A330 is auspiciously named for a celestial body of particular importance to ancient Polynesian navigators, from Hokupaa (Polaris) to Hanaiakamalama (Southern Cross).  

The A330 seats 278 and the seating configuration in the Main Cabin is 2-4-2, and, maybe most important, everyone gets a personal LCD touch-screen monitor.

Keep an eye out for newer versions of the A330 in the coming years. Or just enjoy the ride!  

Airbus 330 Seat Map


Seating Capacity: 278 seats

First Class

Pitch: 45" to 46"

Configuration: 2-2-2 

Extra Comfort

Pitch: 36"

Configuration: 2-4-2 

Main Cabin

Pitch: 31"

Configuration: 2-4-2 

*Please note that seat numbers and placement vary from aircraft to aircraft.

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