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Web Check-In
Save time with our easy online check-in

Use your computer or mobile device to:

  • Check in yourself and any travel companions for your flight
  • Pay fees for your check-in bags
  • Select, change or upgrade your seat
  • Print your boarding pass or download a mobile boarding pass

Online check-in is available 24 hours prior to your flight’s departure. To make your travel day seamless, we recommend checking in the day before your flight and paying for any bags in advance.

You will need the following information for online check-in:

  • Your last name
  • A confirmation code or ticket number

To provide enough time between check-in and departure, online check-in is available:

  • For travel between Neighbor Island destinations – until 30 minutes prior to departure time
  • For travel between Hawaii and North America destinations – until 45 minutes prior to departure time
  • For travel from our International gateways – until 60 minutes prior to departure time

Ready to check in for your flight? We look forward to welcoming you onboard. Click here for online check-in.

You can also check in via the Hawaiian Airlines mobile app on iOS or Android devices. For more information about online check-in, visit our Help CenterOpens external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines.

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