Our Home

Our distinct network of domestic and international transpacific flights, and our robust Neighbor Island schedule of service, symbolize our mission to connect the world to Hawai‘i and link our archipelago. Every one of our approximately 260 daily flights either departs from Hawai‘i, or arrives on our shores. Locally, the absence of roads or other modes of travel between the islands means that we serve a much broader slice of the population than you’d see elsewhere. We carry patients going to see their doctors, the local high school football team playing their arch rival on another island, and the heavy equipment mechanic who’s been called out to fix a tractor. And of course, we also carry the business and the leisure travelers. We are honored to be ambassadors of our islands, and share a strong sense of kuleana (responsibility) to take care of our land from mauka (mountains) to makai (the ocean), while helping to preserve our island culture and way of life.

Team Kōkua

Kōkua means “to help,” and our employee volunteer program demonstrates the hospitality and aloha of Hawaiian Airlines for the communities we serve by improving the lives of our neighbors and caring for the land and waters that sustain us all.

  • All Kōkua requests must be sponsored by a Hawaiian Airlines employee and fall into one of these four areas: Culture, Education, Environment, and Health & Human Services.
  • We serve our home, but also extend our Kōkua to the communities to which we fly.
  • In 2017, our employees volunteered more than 10,000 hours to community causes, and supported 127 nonprofit organizations.

Learn more about Team Kōkua.

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Team Kōkua Photo Gallery

Clearing invasive species like mangroves at He‘eia Estuary in Kāne‘ohe on O‘ahu.

Team Kōkua Photo Gallery

Supporting our neediest neighbors is a focus of our Team Kōkua Program. Here, colleagues with Hawaiian’s Revenue Management Team helped donate items to Goodwill Industries.

Team Kōkua Photo Gallery

Our employee ‘ohana frequently partners with our state airports in volunteering to help keep our taxiing lanes clean of debris, as pictured in a recent event at Honolulu’s Daniel K. Inouye International Airport.

Community Giving

Since our simple beginning as a small interisland airline, we have been humbled by the support we receive each year from our kama‘āina and visitors, whose business has allowed Hawaiian to hire more employees, invest in the latest aircraft, enhance our product offerings and expand our reach throughout the Asia Pacific and as far east as Boston. To express our gratitude, we strive to mahalo the communities that keep us flying.

Learn more about the ways we give through Hawaiian Airlines Foundation and our 2019 Community Contributions efforts.

Community Partnerships

We are fortunate to partner with numerous organizations that share our love of Hawai‘i via joint programs and official sponsorships that benefit the communities we serve.


Partner Organizations

Helping Hands and Flights

Corporate Kōkua

Caring for Our People, Our Island Home and the Global Environment

Our-People Our People
Exemplifying ho‘okipa (Hawaiian hospitality), the hallmark of our brand promise to our guests, as well as to ourselves.
Our-Home Our Home
Our distinct network of domestic and international transpacific flights, and our robust Neighbor Island schedule of service, symbolize our mission to connect the world to Hawai‘i and link our archipelago.
Our community
Our community