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Proof Public House

Unique menu of delicious offerings sets this pizza place apart from the rest.

Sometimes you’re craving more than just the traditional pepperoni and cheese pizza. 

That’s exactly what the masterminds behind Proof Public House were thinking when they developed the menu for Proof Public House. 

The tiny Chinatown bar was converted into a pizzeria and is now home to inventive pies such as the Fried Rice Pizza. 

While there’s actually no rice on the pizza, it contains all of the dish’s best ingredients: Char-siu pork, bacon, Portuguese sausage, sweet peas and carrots, kimchi and drizzled with oyster sauce. 

Another favorite is the Haole pie, featuring locally-sourced ingredients, including Ewa sweet onion, fresh pineapple, huli-huli chicken and a balsamic reduction made from Okolehao Hawaiian moonshine. 

You can order a “build your own” traditional pizza, but why would you want to?