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Heeia Fishpond

Learn how native Hawaiians practiced sustainability 600 years ago.

Native Hawaiians had a sophisticated form of aquaculture found nowhere else in the world. At one time, there were roughly 350 loko ia (fishponds) in Hawaii that provided a regular supply of fish to its population.

Today, there are only 50 usable fishponds, including Heeia Fishpond on the east side of Oahu, where you can take a one-hour walking tour or a three-hour field trip.

On the one-hour tour, you’ll learn about the 88-acre pond’s 600-year history, how the 1.3-mile wall was made, and how it’s operated, and you’ll hear old stories about the fishpond and the community of Heeia.

If you opt for the three-hour field trip, you’ll get a unique opportunity to participate in a service learning project and experience first-hand how Hawaiians cared for their fishponds. Depending on the number of people in your group, this can include anything from restoring a rock wall to removing invasive plants.

No matter which tour you choose, there’s no doubt you'll walk away with a deeper appreciation for Hawaiian culture and its example of sustainable living.

Reservations required