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Halemauu Trail, Haleakala Crater

A challenging summit hike for adventure-seekers

When visiting the “House of the Sun” at Haleakala, this 10-mile hike provides an opportunity to travel through the crater from the West side to the East end of the expansive crater.

The trail starts off level and calm, and hikers can experience the diverse aspects of a volcanic ecosystem complete with various rock colors and textures and native bushes and shrubs that call the serene landscape home. The trail switches back down a roughly 1,500 foot-long cliff, so it’s a good idea to wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots with substantial traction to avoid slipping on loose dirt or rocks.

Along the way, travelers can stop at the Holua Cabin and Paliku Cabin for a respite (these should be booked advance for overnight stays), and hikers can take in the view through the Ko‘olau Gap that leads all the way down to the Pacific Ocean.