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Two Ladies Kitchen

Japanese rice cake delicacies, including strawberry mochi, made by hand

Those in the know make sure to visit Two Ladies Kitchen when they’re in Hilo (and they always call in their order first). The hole-in-the-wall mochi shop makes what some call the best mochi and manju in the Islands. 

The Two Ladies and their helpers make fresh mochi, the Japanese rice cake delicacy handmade from mochi (rice) flour, and fill them with local delights like coconut and lilikoi (passion fruit). It’s high-end mochi, fresh and delicious, nicely presented and a great omiyage (gift) to take home to friends and family.

Two Ladies Kitchen is known for its strawberry mochi, which is mochi around a large, whole, fresh strawberry with a bit of sweet azuki bean paste. The grape mochi has a real grape inside, and, seasonally, you can order fresh nectarine or poha berry mochi. 

Mochi with fresh fruit cannot be taken on airplanes to the U.S. Mainland because of agriculture restrictions, but you’ll want to eat them immediately anyway. Order by phone first or choose from one of the prepared boxes when you arrive. Cash only. Two Ladies Kitchen mochi is also sold at KTA supermarkets.