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Twlight at Kalahuipuaa

Talk Story Under a Full Moon

Hawaii Island still retains a great deal of the charm of vanishing Hawaii, and one way to experience this is to attend, with your blankets, chairs and beer or wine, the locally famous full moon talks at the historic Eva Park Woods cottage on the grounds by the ocean behind the resort. 

As the sun sets and the moon rises, local storytellers, dancers and musicians step up to the vintage cottage lanai to practice their art, tell stories, myths and legends, and share the best of what they do. 

The night can go long and erupt in dancing, and “gives hotel guests a chance to experience the true aloha spirit and residents the opportunity to meet and share stories with people from around the world.” 

Recent performers include Manoa DNA, a Oahu band known for pop Hawaiian crossover songs in Japan. Check out the websiteOpens external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines for upcoming performances.

Hotel guests, Hawaii residents, and resort employees and their families are invited to enjoy Twilight at Kalahuipua‘a, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. on the Saturday closest to the full moon.