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Hula Daddy Kona Coffee

A commitment to excellent coffee and a view to take your breath away

Follow the serpentine road through the historic coffee town of Holualoa, perched on the slopes of Hualalai Volcano, to find this cheerful green landmark clock building and the 30-acre gourmet farm it announces.

The owners started with a few acres and have been steadily expanding both the coffee orchard and their collection of loveable dogs.

The award-winning Hula Daddy Kona Coffee farm processes and roasts only its own beans. Out of 62 entries, it won the coveted Kona Coffee Cupping Competition in the Classic Division for single estate farms in 2016.

Warm up with a sample cup as you view the cascade of green coffee fields, then learn about the steps from farm to roasting on a free tour of the orchard and the roasting room.

Tastings of estate coffees and tours of the farm and roasting room are free, available M-F from 10 am to 4 pm. Estate coffee is available for purchase.

Webcams on the premises let you watch life at the roaster and visitor center:

Reservations not required. Tours in Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean are available by appointment.